Respect (Fist) This is the core of Miller methodology. This should be the most important element in daily dealings. Having great respect can stem relationships that last a lifetime while continually improving the Miller name. Loyalty (Crown) It is imperative that a Miller never loses site of loyalty. Family is the strongest bond you can have (regardless of blood). When things are at their worst family will always be willing to help. Loyalty is not just extended to family this should also be extended to work and friends. Hard Work (Gear) Always striving to do your best through hard work is key as a Miller. This helps establish a basis for yourself, family, and friends. This can be in respect to your daily life, schooling, or even work. Synergy (Gear) Team work will yield better results every time. Synergism should come naturally with an understanding of working towards something greater than just yourself. Actively participating in activities and objectives is a natural part of this combined effort. Broad Shield
This symbolizes the base instinct of Millers. You should always be willing to standup for yourself and others at all times. Regardless of the consequence this mentality and action should always be forefront in the face of adversity.
Hectick FatherhoodA father to 3 amazing kids Hayden, Kaitlyn, and Vanessa . I am happily married to Megan Miller (@Megan_Bethann) and we live in Pleasant Grove Utah. Connect with Me!Archives
May 2016