The Perception of Physical GamingWith the advent of traceable technology we have begun to see a new exciting trend around gaming. This is where games and reality begin to merge. With things like the Xbox Kinect and the Wii Motion playing games with your body are a great way to get in shape while having fun. The practicality of using gaming for exercise is rather ingenious and has been going on for a long time. I personally have a hard time with exercise because I find it boring and pointless. Adding the gaming element in provides the missing elements for me. It is also a great way to get your family work or competing together without having to go out for have a ton of space. This is the Reality of Physical Gaming... Its Awesome!PlayStation Move Xbox Kinect Wii Fit
Hectick FatherhoodA father to 3 amazing kids Hayden, Kaitlyn, and Vanessa . I am happily married to Megan Miller (@Megan_Bethann) and we live in Pleasant Grove Utah. Connect with Me!Archives
May 2016