I have always enjoyed having pets most of all I have enjoyed owning fish. Having fish is one of those things that just resonates within me. It is almost a necessity in the sense that it actually helps to relax me when I can just watch them swim. I am not really sure where this comes from. I like to think it provides a certain level of Zen when it comes to my life. Similar to smoking I know I can always just take a moment to watch my fish swim. This stress relief has been fairly crucial at certain points in my life. I can recall having moments when I just needed to watch my fish swim and think “just keep swimming” or something to that effect to prompt me to just keep going. When it comes to the kinds of fish I have had them all from cheap goldfish to expensive saltwater fish. Honestly I have come to enjoy Koi and Fancy Goldfish. They are relatively cheap and hearty little fish, they also have great colors and features. I currently have a 2.5 gallon fish tank on my desk at work. I clean it 1-2 a week and apply a new filter at least every 2 weeks. They have a bubbler and a light that has moonlight settings. Overall I think it is a good tank for them, obviously it could be bigger. For a desk setup I feel it is pretty elaborate, and it suits my needs perfectly.
Parenting as a Choice not a RightI know that many will disagree with the statement above about parenting being a choice and not a right. The frank reality as I see it, is that parents have become entitled in their parenting duties. I mean this in the sense that parenting has now days become a chore to many parents who feel they should receive recognition for doing the bare minimum.
Parenting is a Life-Time Commitment
A good example of this would be always being there for your child whether good or bad. To be perfectly fair I have the attitude of if you teach your children well enough they will want to do better in turn. The saying “give a man a fish and he can eat for a night, teach him how to fish and he can eat for a lifetime” is a perfect example of this. If you teach your children the right values and beliefs they will in turn practice and continue to teach those principles. Simply put if you look at parenting as a life-long commitment it will spur the drive to help teach your children to become independent and successful. Trust and Respect Make Strong FamiliesWhen it comes to the question of “how can we make our children successful” I provide the metrics of trust and respect. These values are similar in thought but ultimately are different in reality.
In regards to trust this a personal measurement for how much you would trust your child given extreme scenarios. As an example pose the question “could my child handle watching a younger sibling” dependent on your initial reaction you can gauge your trust with your child. If you immediately say “oh yeah, no problem” chances are trust is high with the child. If your reaction is something to the effect of “no that wouldn’t work” or “probably wouldn’t be the best idea” then you child may be lacking trust. Naturally trust is impacted by the child’s age, which is a strong baseline that you children must pass through. ConclusionIf you can instill some of the values above I can promise a happier and healthier family. Not only because they are good practical sense but also because I live my life by these rules and can attest first hand they work. Changing how a parent perceives the responsibility of parenting can help create a sense of love and patience when dealing with children. This coupled with the understanding that 1 day is a very small portion of the lifelong commitment with a child can also help with patience and love. It will also help you create a strong foundation with your children to ensure a strong relationship in the long run. While trust and respect can help you measure and examine your children objectively. Which in turn will allow you the help shape and guide your children as they grow up. All of these factors working together dynamically can create a thriving family.
Hectick FatherhoodA father to 3 amazing kids Hayden, Kaitlyn, and Vanessa . I am happily married to Megan Miller (@Megan_Bethann) and we live in Pleasant Grove Utah. Connect with Me!Archives
May 2016